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We're passionate about our place.
Untamed, natural wilderness.
You can expect things to be different on the West Coast.
At NZIMMR, our high calibre research team is working on a growing list of projects for adding value to New Zealand’s rich endowment of mineral resources.
It is one matter to discover minerals, another to win them from the earth cost-effectively. New processing technologies are being developed to recover the fine gold particles from alluvial deposits, separate high-value, REE-bearing minerals, and other commodities from West Coast mineral sands.

The New Zealand Institute for Minerals to Materials Research (NZIMMR) was established in August 2017 as one of four Regional Research Institutes and is based in Greymouth on the West Coast. The NZIMMR was provided $11 million of seed funding under contract to the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE).
Two state-of-the-art laboratories have been constructed at Spring Creek, a minerals processing laboratory and a minerals to materials laboratory. These facilities allow the building of strong research capability at NZIMMR.
The NZIMMR's location in Greymouth is strategic. Here, regional minerals interests include alluvial gold mines, coal mines, and heavy mineral sands exploration. We are part of the West Coast community and are developing partnerships with larger minerals players in New Zealand.
One of NZIMMR's aims is to work with smaller operators to unlock the potential of their mining operations, on the principle of “mine once and recover all”. We are also working to help make uneconomic minerals economic, to meet ongoing, growing demand worldwide for minerals and materials.
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